Sunday, February 19, 2012

Death by a media pack!

They won't want to admit it but the media have turned a 'phoney leadership war into a real one' (their words not mine!) Grattan, Schubert, Shanahan et al must be leaning over their typewriters lamenting the plight of the Government and salivating over the MPs they have been able to goad into driving their appetite for easy headlines without the investigatory and rigorous reporting that was once a tradition in their profession. They have moved their trade into the 24/7 world and succumbed to not information overload but information over consumption and they have become bloated by their sources! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's politics, stupid!

Kerry has done it again this time on 4 Corners revealing the ugly face of Gillard’s betrayal of Rudd! Or has he? What would we have thought if Gillard’s supporters were not preparing for her takeover given the plight of Rudd and the media commentary at the time that said he was a jerk and an ineffectual one at that! 

Why would anyone not have imagined that polling, persona and the disaffection with Rudd would not lead to a change of leadership either before or at the election (the latter with Abbott as PM). As Gillard told her interegator in answer to several questions about whether she knew that her office was preparing a speech for her ‘overthrow’of Rudd, she replied ‘That’s politics'.  Surprise, surprise! 

What Kerry actually revealed was what we all know, politics is ugly!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Barrie Cassidy revives the past!

The ABC Insiders is getting so far up itself it is in danger of becoming lost in its own conspiracy theories. Cassidy (now turned commentator) has recalled the Keating/Hawke and Peacock/Howard machinations to set up an unlikely but nevertheless headline grabbing scenario in which Rudd calls for a leadership votes loses and goes to the backbench to have another suck on the sauce bottle!   Grattan, Schubert, Tingle and now Cassidy et al should cut the interminable guess work and do what a good journo does and get some facts and put on record the meanderings and menacing of politicians and their bedfellows and we will all be better off!