Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Under Construction: in-the-black

Welcome to ''!

'' is my contribution to what is 'in-the-black' and 'in-the-red' to achieve low carbon councils and communities.   I trust that when I get it up and running it will provide an opportunity for me and hopefully you to take our black and red pen to debate and discussion on climate change. Can't wait!  Martin 


  1. A great start - a useful project. But, 'black' and 'red' - aren't they the colours of a down at heel local football team? But in the interest of veracity, will the author of this site declare himself independent of any particular sporting allegiances?

    Chris from Carlton (not the team)

  2. I have a suggestion to edit your byline which is already great though! if you added to the opportunity build city and local government capacity and commitment to enable their communities to better meet that challenge...

    just a thought

    Barb from Carlton
